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Recalls & Results

A follow-up consultation is generally required so that your results may be discussed in confidence, and treatment arranged if necessary. The treating doctor may wish to do so via Telehealth. For more information on Telehealth at Arkaba Medical Centre, please see 'Appointment Types', under the 'Services & Appointments' menu. This follow-up procedure is in keeping with RACGP best practice.

Arkaba Medical Centre are registered for our Recall System (for procedures such as pap smears, diabetes reviews etc), the National Breast Screen and the SA Cervix Screen recall system, and other state and national recall systems. Our recall reminders are in the form of SMS. If a recall is left without prolonged action from the patient, the clinic may follow up with a letter and/or phone call. If you wish to opt out of our Recall System, please inform your doctor.

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